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时间:2024-07-26 14:00:07

Nikola Milovic

What? Everything best.

I never heard any bad thing about Chinese people. I’m actually sad that we are not more connected with them, I’d like to socialize with them.



Nemanja Stikic

I respect China, because of their long history and culture.


When it comes to present, China did help Serbia with COVID, which is big plus. However i do feel that our government which make deals between Serbia and China, will lead us into debt trap, in which many other countries are falling and with debt any relationship can become sour.

When it comes to Chinese as a people i have both pros and cons, based on what my people have and what they miss.



Pros for Chinese people are their dedication to hard work (which is a bit opposite of Serbs), because God gave them numbers in population (Serbia is one of the countries which suffer from white plague) and i always liked the way they carry themselves calmly in conversations (Serbs are much more wild in comparison).


Cons for Chinese people are their food (dogs, cats…no thanks), from what i gather throughout years…Chines and other Asians have relatively high level of racism towards other races and even towards own race (Serbs generally have difficulty of understanding racism) and lastly Chinese people have high level of obedience…which makes them perfect as a slaves for any coloniser or own oppressive ideologies (Serbs are very rebellious by nature.


I hope that our nations will develop healthy relationship, which will bring joy and prosperity to our people.


Rade Stevanovic

Serbs as the others are aware that China was a Great Civilization once, and is rising again to her greatness. In today’s world you are not always happy when someone is getting bigger or stronger than you, but this is not a case with Chinese progress and prosper, I don’t know one Serb who is not supporting and cheering for China.


Must admit that I don’t have any Chinese friends in my Serbian surrounding, but I meet Chinese at the college in London. Tree guys and a girl, can’t remember their names but the girl name was Rose (sry gays). I just arrived and my English is not at the best, but I couldn’t understand their English at all, only after 2 weeks I started to get hang of it. They where very proud of their college advance. They where humble and nice persons.


I have an untested feeling that I hope will prove to be true, that the Chinese do not have the ability to be twoface. That’s western thing, they clap you, salute, and than stub you in the back, their “friendship” is all ways at some cost -must be remains of colonial habits.

I believe this is not the case with China, even you are small in territory and numbers, they treat you fair and as equal. The assumption that you are superior to others is the basis of racism, isn't it?



Milan Blagojevic

OK disclaimer I do not live in Serbia but feel that I at least share the sentiment of a significant percentage of the population.

We look forward to China taking its place as a leading nation in the current global political order.



Whilst China is undoubtedly going to follow its own interests, it is the successor to an ancient and wise civilization. The Chinese play GO, drink Tea and practice Tai Chi. They gave us Kung Fu which branched out into countless various martial arts. They gave us a variation of pasta and Kiwi fruit that were hijacked by other civilizations.


It will not destroy nations like the US, UK and its NATO allies have with what they have done in the Balkans (specifically Serbia), Libya, Syria and Iraq and countless times in Latin America; and not to forget other parts of Asia like Vietnam and Laos. Remember to treat your rebellious offspring like ... tenderly knowing that in the long-term blood is thicker than water. Be sensible, cautious and patient and as Tony Montana said “The World is yours!”


Jovan Spasovic

What do Serbs think of China?

Serbs look at China as their big ally. Especially because of their support against the unilateral independence and occupation of Kosovo and Metohija. Veto given by China was very important to Serbs and we will never forget it.

Furthermore, Chinese were also victims of NATO 1999 bombing when a Chinese embassy was bombed. Not to mention that many Chinese people live in Serbia because Milošević opened the borders for workers.




Srdan Tubin

Chinese people are the most numerous on the planet, so this cannot be a generalisation, but rather my own experience thoughts.

I met many Chinese people around the globe, and not a single time have I had problems with any of them. One of the best friends of mine are Chinese, as I always enjoy their company. To me, they seem smart, friendly and cute!

I admire them on the fact that they have a very powerful country and diaspora too, but at the same time being very peaceful.




Gab Chan

I have not been to Serbia but I had many Serbian classmates in high school. They admire that China has a strong government that can keep the country together, take care of its people, get shit done, and stand up to US American aggression. Basically the opposite situation of their own country, or ex-country Yugoslavia.


David Barry

What do European people think of Chinese people and China?

I am from Europe. For years Europeans have respected the Chinese and their Ancient Civilisation. If you research Voltaire and Napoleon’s comments about China as examples, just for a start. Many Europeans have been doing business with the Chinese and many Europeans live and work in China now.

Chinese businesses operate in Europe and there is a great deal of Chinese investment in Europe now. We welcome Chinese people and Chinese business.




Julien Philippe

Is Serbia now leaning more towards China rather than Russia when it comes to foreign policy?

Serbia is leaning toward everyone suiting its interests in terms of foreign policy.



Toward the USA as long as Trump rules, because he’s on his way to terminate Kosovo if he gets a second term.

Toward the EU because that’s where the money is.

Toward Russia because that’s where many guns are, & that’s a good card to play in terms of Slavic Orthodox Solidarity.

Toward China because that’s where the strategic investments (mines, industry, IT, cheaper guns) are.




